About SIPMeL
Who is SIPMeL
SIPMeL is a medical/scientific Association of Clinical laboratory professionals. Founded in 1986, the company has 2258 members (Dec.31st 2012). The Association's head office is in Castelfranco Veneto (TV), Italy.
The SOCIETY's structure is federal and comprehends ordinary members of three professions: Medical doctors, Clinical Scientists (DSLB), Biomedical Scientists (STLB).
The regional Assemblies, each constituted by ordinary members of the profession, elect their regional Board of directors (President, Secretary and regional councillors) who represents them in the National Council.
The National President, Vice-president, Secretary and Treasurer are elected by the National Council, who is coordinated by the Executive Board (formed by The National President, Vice-president, Secretary and Treasurer and 6 medical doctors representing north-centre-south Italy and the Deputy Delegate and the National Secretary of the DSLB and STLB sections)
Laboratory Medicine
Laboratory Medicine includes many specialties (clinical chemistry, haematology, microbiology, clinical pathology, molecular biology), in practice in clinical laboratories.
The conjugation between these different specialties is due to diagnose and supervise the health or disease of the patient, for the best medical care.
The great majority members works in laboratories of public hospitals.
The Society acts as a technical consultant on topics relating the clinical laboratory inside the National Health Service in its central and peripheral articulations.
Permanent Training
The Society is devoted to establishing and spreading professional standards for the "best practice" in the clinical laboratory.
For this purpose the National Committee looks after the regional permanent trainers and the coordination of formative courses that recognizes credits to the participants according to the Continuous Medical Education program of the Department of Health.
In our Calendar you can find listed SIMeL Courses with each relative credit.
Study Groups
The Study Groups, that are 20, attend to all those activities of scientific research and production.
All SIPMeL members interested in the subject can apply to participate to the Study group, of which you can find the regulations in our website.
Congresses, Conventions and Courses
SIPMeL organizes and patronizes dozen of meetings every year. The National Congress represents the most important national event for Laboratory Medicine, gathering more than 1000 professionals in these 3 days of debates, meetings, workshops, joint discussions.
Dozes of conventions are organized through all over Italy, with local, regional or inter-regional participation.
SIPMeL courses to which attend a small number of participants are of high didactic content and are a great success so are repeated in different locations, and are often sold out in one year gap. SIMeL makes big efforts to accomplish to the formative requests of its members.
La Rivista Italiana della Medicina di Laboratorio - Italian Journal of Laboratory Medicine (Riv Ital Med Lab) is the official journal of SIPMeL. It has a circulation of 2800 copies, 64 pages each copy, 4 issues per year.
Riv Ital Med Lab supports the best appropriateness in the request of laboratory tests, and quality in clinical laboratory services, publishing professional standards, guide lines, reviews of the best international renowned literature, information about SIMeL courses, professional debates and proceedings of the meetings.
It represents one of the most important journals in Laboratory Medicine for its wide-circulation in the field and content quality and is available for members freely on-line.
Main Office
Via Ponchini, 17 int. 7 - 31033 Castelfranco Veneto (TV)
Tel. +39 0423-738098 - Fax +39 0423-740715
e-mail: sipmel@sipmel.it
Giuliana Baggio e Stella Pivetta
National Secretariat
Dott. Antonio ANTICO
Dott. Vittorio SARGENTINI
National Vice President
Dott.ssa Anna VERO
National Secretary
Dott. Luca ROSSI
National Treasurer
Dott. Fabrizio PAPA
Expiration of positions in 2027