144 - New anticoagulant drugs: a turning point in oral anticoagulation management?
Autor(s): D. Prisco, E. Grifoni, D. Poli
Issue: RIMeL - IJLaM, Vol. 5, N. 2, 2009 (MAF Servizi srl ed.)
Page(s): 144-153
Heparins and vitamin K antagonists have been the cornerstones of anticoagulant therapy for several decades. Although effective, currently available agents have limitations that have prompted the search for new drugs matching the “ideal” anticoagulant profile. At present, agents targeting factor Xa and thrombin are in the most advanced stages of clinical development. With potential advantages including predictable pharmacological profile, rapid onset of action, low propensity for food and drug interactions, administration of fixed doses and no requirement for therapeutic monitoring, these new agents may potentially improve the management of thromboembolic di- sorders. However, potential challenges of brin- ging new anticoagulants to the clinic should be taken into account.
Key-words: new anticoagulants, factor Xa inhibitors, direct thrombin inhibitors.