
100 - The Component resolved diagnosis in paediatric allergy diagnosis

Autor(s): G. Melioli, A.M. Riccio, L. Marcomini, A. Agazzi, M. Tosca, G.W. Canonica

Issue: RIMeL - IJLaM, Vol. 5, N. 3-S1, 2009 (MAF Servizi srl ed.)

Page(s): 100

For its characteristics of identifying the allergen at a molecular level, the “Component Resolved Diagnosis” (CRD) is particularly important during childhood. Indeed, it allows not only to establish a good and global therapeutic strategy, but also to efficiently support the evolution of the maturation of the immune system. This is particularly important when inhalant allergy is associated to infections of the upper respiratory airways, where an integrated therapeutic approach may result in a significant advantage for the small patients.
Key-words: ISAC, paediatrics, Flow-2-Cast, allergens, IgE.

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