062 - The benefits of TSH Reflex according to the Endocrinologist and the Laboratory
Autor(s): M. Caputo , R. Castello
Issue: RIMeL - IJLaM, Vol. 5, N. 3-S1, 2009 (MAF Servizi srl ed.)
Page(s): 62-64
To put oneself into the picture nothing better than to sum up the experience made in Verona since 1996 about the management of patients suffering from Thyroid disfunction. Since then the utilization of TSH Reflex (TSHR) for increasing appropriateness of thyroid diagnostic is an issue which requires facing strictly scientific aspects as well as challenges related to organization, management and administration. Based upon a clinical experience developed during several years of practice, the development and implementation of TSHR matched seamlessly with policies and procedures adopted in our institution. The next step forward is a Campaign aimed to inform public and healthcare decision makers about the potential benefits of an evidence based approach to this field. Key-words: thyroid diseases, appropriateness, cost/effectivness.