253 - Recommendations for the management, the eva-luation and the use of glucometers in the extra-hospital setting
Autor(s): M. Montagnana, M. Caputo, D. Giavarina, R. Testa, A. Mosca, G. Lippi per il Gruppo di Studio intersocietario SIBioC-SIMeL Diabete mellito e per il Gruppo di Studio intersocietario SIBioC-SIMeL-CISMEL sulla Variabilità extra-analitica del dato di laboratorio
Issue: RIMeL - IJLaM, Vol. 5, N. 4, 2009 (MAF Servizi srl ed.)
Page(s): 253-63
Self-monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG) performedby instruments of type “point-of-care” (POC) in diabetic patients is now universally considered as an integral part of home management of this disease. Accordingly, the current ADA’s recommendations for the useof POC in glucose monitoring include the following points: (a) to achieve and maintain glycemic control, (b) to prevent and detect the episodes of hypoglyce-mia, (c) to prevent the severe hyperglycemia, (d) to adjustlifestyle changes, (e) to determine the need to begin treatment with insulin in gestational diabetes mellitus. However, the results from glucose meters are not as accurate as those from laboratory methods since several factors could affect the results achieved by these instruments: user errors, incorrect calibration and quality control or biological and analytical interferences. The current recommendations aim to review the clinical indications for SMGB and to identify the requirements and the goals essential for proper management, evaluation and use of glucometer at home.
Key-words: self monitoring blood glucose, glucometer, glycemia, recommendations, point-of-care.