046 - Organization and organizational wellbeing: the state of analytical laboratories in Friuli-VeneziaGiulia
Autor(s): A. Tamigi, D. Nigris
Issue: RIMeL - IJLaM, Vol. 6, N. 1, 2010 (MAF Servizi srl ed.)
Page(s): 46-51
Background. The idea to undertake a regional study on the organization of clinical laboratories and on the state of organizational health as perceived by health-care professionals has arisen principally from the necessity of framing the current organization into the view seen through the eyes of Biomedical Health Laboratory Technicians (BHLT). The purpose of this investigationis to compare the existing organizational models with the degree of perceived organizational health, identifying organizational features that are able to influencethe working environment. Methods. A questionnaire was distributed to the BHLT Coordinators of all clinical laboratories of the Friuli-Venezia-Giulia Region (North-East Italy). It included questions on laboratory productivity, the number of BHLT on staff, the type of job contract, and the management of emergency and routine activities. For the organizational health study, a second questionnaire was addressed to all BHLTs with questions on personnel age, service duration, participant’s qualifications, and evaluation of parameters of organizational health....