084 - Today prevention of hemoglobin defects in pregnancy
Autor(s): G. Ivaldi
Issue: RIMeL - IJLaM, Vol. 6, N. 2, 2010 (MAF Servizi srl ed.)
Page(s): 84-88
Since fifty years the hemoglobinopathies prevention in Italy has affected nearly all Regions especially Sardinia, Sicily, the Southern Regions and the Delta of Po. The prevention is important because of the migratory streams coming from lands, where haemoglobin genetical defects are common, generate new situations which are hard to manage. The Laboratory must be able to explain the numerous diagnostic chances, that could come in handy for preventing the haemoglobinopathy risk both in preconceptional time and in pregnancy. The carrier state of a genetical defect of haemoglobin can be assessed by means of specific tests (first level). These tests must be executed in preconceptional time, but it often happens those tests can be required also in late pregnancy time: then in emergency and in worst gestational time. The decision-making opportunities for the couple become more and more difficult in case of need of second level tests (molecular analysis, tests for partner). Therefore the haemoglobinopaties prevention in pregnancy requires a well-defined diagnostic path to interpret quickly and surely an haemoglobin structure even if interferences such as iron deficiency anemia, vitaminic deficiency and physiological increase of fetal hemoglobin (Hb F) in the peripheral blood. Key-words: hemoglobinopathies, prevention, pregnancy, HPFH.