129 - Blood group fetomaternal compatibily
Autor(s): L. Brondelli, G. Simonazzi, N. Rizzo
Issue: RIMeL - IJLaM, Vol. 6, N. 2, 2010 (MAF Servizi srl ed.)
Page(s): 129-132
Feto-maternal alloimmunization is a condition which should be recognized early in pregnancy as it may cause neonatal hemolitic disease (MEN), potentially lethal for fetus or neonate. The antigen which is more frequently responsible for feto-neonatal MEN is the Dantigen (Rh system); following the anti-D alloimmunization, most frequent is the one directed against the other antigens of the Rh system. Among antigens of other hematic-group systems, those which are more often responsible for disease are the Kell antigen of the same hematic-group system and the Fya antigen of the Duffy system. Currently, although the impact of this pathology, at least in well-developed Countries, has been reduced, the maintenance of low epidemiologic profile of the disease relies upon the existence of a program of surveillance and prophylaxis of pregnant women at risk, which should be maintained constantly effective.