180 - New consensus criteria for Gestational Diabetes Mellitus
Autor(s): M. Carta, R. Testa
Issue: RIMeL - IJLaM, Vol. 6, N. 3, 2010 (MAF Servizi srl ed.)
Page(s): 180-3
New consensus criteria for Gestational Diabetes Mellitus Gestational Diabetes Mellitus is defined as any degree of glucose intolerance with onset or first recognition during pregnancy and is associated with substantial rates of maternal and perinatal complications. More than 40 years ago, O’Sullivan developed glucose- tolerance test criteria for the diagnosis of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus. The diagnostic thresholds that they developed were based on the subsequent development of adult diabetes. The recent Hyperglycemia and Adverse Pregnancy Outcome (HAPO) study, a large multicenter multinational blinded trial, described a strong continuos association between maternal glucose concentration and increasing birth weight and markers of perinatal complications. The HAPO study used a 2-h 75 g glucose load with no preliminary screening based on either risk factors or a challenge test. After the release of this study a group was created to formulate recommendations for glucose tolerance testing in pregnancy based on the results of the Hapo study. In the march of 2010 in Rome was organized a Consensus Conference for discussing the impact of these recommendations in Italy.