107 - Traveler’s acute hepatitis
Autor(s): I. Bianco, M. Schinella
Issue: RIMeL - IJLaM, Vol. 6, N. 3-S1, 2010 (MAF Servizi srl ed.)
Page(s): 107-111
The elevated number of travelers around the world, particularly in tropical areas, and increasing migration due to globalization are causes of a significant risk of infection. The possibility of contracting an infection while traveling depends on several factors. Therefore, a risk-assessment approach can be indicated in the evaluation of a trip to endemic regions. Since several infective agents target the liver, a virus A, B, C or E diagnosis after a trip isn’t unlikely, so much that hepatitis A is the most common vaccinepreventable disease among travelers. Several international organizations invest in prevention, surveillance and control of acute hepatitis and its dangerous consequences, like chronicity, cirrhosis and cancer, by promoting information and vaccination campaigns, aimed at improving the health of resident population as well as travelers and migrants.