037 - Biomarkers of inflammation in atherosclerosis
Autor(s): I. Dato, G. Liuzzo
Issue: RIMeL - IJLaM, Vol. 6, N. 3-S1, 2010 (MAF Servizi srl ed.)
Page(s): 37-40
Inflammatory mechanisms play a pivotal role in the atherosclerotic process. At the base of atherogenesis there are complex interactions between macrophages, T lymphocytes and smooth muscle cells. A growing body of experimental evidence suggests that inflammation is involved in the pathogenesis of acute coronary syndromes (ACS) and influences their clinical evolution. In fact, in patients with ACS, coronary atherosclerotic plaques are characterized by an abundant inflammatory infiltrate. Moreover, in these patients we can find systemic signs of inflammatory reaction: activated circulating inflammatory cells (neutrophil, monocytes and lymphocytes) and increased concentrations of pro-inflammatory cytokines, such as interleukin (IL)-1 and 6, and of acute phase reactants, in particular C-reactive protein (CRP). Recent data demonstrate that CRP is a strong independent predictor of adverse cardiac events and death in patients with ACS, but also in patients with stable ischemic heart disease and in apparently healthy men and women. Furthermore, CRP is an important prognostic index, for early and late outcome, in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary interventions. Finally, recent studies have supposed a possible role of myeloperoxidase in pathogenesis of atherosclerosis and plaque instability.