062 - Data storage: rules and needs
Autor(s): R. Rigoli, M. Donadi, E. Procaccini
Issue: RIMeL - IJLaM, Vol. 2, N. 1, 2006 (MAF Servizi srl ed.)
Page(s): 62-67
Treviso Health Care Trust implemented the ESCAPE projects in order to answer the need to digitalize the huge number of paper documents (clinical and administrative) issued daily by Health Care Trusts. Legal aspects regarding data storage have evolved recently and the validity of digital documents and digital signatures has been recognized. This has led to trials testing an entirely digital system of document management, using digital signatures, net transmission, retrieval and storage whilst maintaining the validity and legal weight of paper documents. Concerning document storage, the ESCAPE project has re-engineered the storage procedure within the Health Care Trusts. Each head of department manages the document storage with the possibility of delegating some or all of the storage tasks concerned. The digitally signed reports have to be stored monthly on non-rewritable optical supports, according to the technical rules described in the relevant laws. Two CDs containing the reports, an index and a program to view the documents will be eventually burned. One CD is stored in the owner department while the other copy (security copy) is sent to the Information Technology Department, where all the CDs will be stored in a fireproof cupboard in a room with limited and controlled access. The new optical storage for digitally signed reports has led to a better use of spaces; it only needs a cupboard for the CDs, while paper documents required an entire room to be stored. It also means it is easier and quicker to find and consult the stored reports. Furthermore, security has improved, as digital management preserves documents from loss and damage. The system also certifies the unique identification of the signer, guarantees the document integrity and readability, and make easy to find identifying information (such as registration and classification data).