024 - Preanalytical variability
Autor(s): G. Lippi, A. Bassi, G.C. Guidi
Issue: RIMeL - IJLaM, Vol. 2, N. 1, 2006 (MAF Servizi srl ed.)
Page(s): 24-31
Laboratory testing is often a less perceptible side of medical care, though it offers a substantial contribution to the decision making process. Owing to remarkable advances in technology, the analytic quality has allowed a major sense of confidence in results of laboratory testing and the extra-analytical quality is a major issue for the reliability of the whole testing process. Reliability of test data should pay a growing price to quality in every phase of the laboratory workout. Accordingly, a poor standardization of several preanalytical processes may lead to much wasted efforts in the challenge of further quality improvement. Among major preanalytical issues, sample collection, transport, handling and storage represent major occasions of errors and uncertainty. A large consensus, which might finally lead to development and implementation of specific guidelines, is urgently needed, along with comprehensive extra-analytic quality assurance programs aimed at monitoring each process of this crucial phase of the laboratory workout.