097 - Interpretation of antibody results in the anti-phospholipid syndrome
Autor(s): N. Bizzaro
Issue: RIMeL - IJLaM, Vol. 2, N. 1, 2006 (MAF Servizi srl ed.)
Page(s): 97-102
. In the last 15 years the evaluation of anti-cardiolipin antibodies, anti-beta2-glicoprotein I and lupus anticoagulant has substantially improved the diagnostic and therapeutic approach in patients with an autoimmune based thromboembolic event. However, in spite of their clinical value, these tests are poorly reproducible due to the poor level of method standardization. Matters are complicated further by the high number of requests from patients with low pre-test probability of disease, the approximate definition of decisional levels, the lack of uniformity in report modalities, and the difficult clinical interpretation of the results. This review analyzes the various controversial aspects of tests used to determine the anti-phospholipid antibodies and their fundamental role in the pre- and post-analytical variability, the knowledge of which is necessary in order to correctly interpret results and compile the medical report