
131 - The infective case

Autor(s): M. Ruscio, P. Martelli

Issue: RIMeL - IJLaM, Vol. 2, N. 3-S1, 2006 (MAF Servizi srl ed.)

Page(s): 131-134

Lyme Borreliosis is an infection disease transmitted by ticks, which in Europe is the cause of approximately 60.000 new cases yearly. It mainly involves skin, joints, nervous system and heart. It develops in consecutive stages and for the 60-80% of the cases it starts with a spreading damage to the skin (eritema migrans), which represents the clinical marker of the disease. The etiologic agent is a spirochete belonging to the Borrelia genre, Borrelia burgdorferi species. The laboratory diagnosis is based on the search for specific antibodies, produced in case of infections. However, the currently available serologic tests do not have an absolute predicting value and they need to be combined with the clinical observation as well as with the anamnestic and epidemiologic data/evidence. Considering the above, the best outcome for the patient is obtained by a sinergic cooperation between laboratory specialists and clinicians by sharing the targets and the guidelines for the clinical/diagnostic governance/management of the disease

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