076 - Preanalytic phase: specimen acceptability
Autor(s): M. Morandini
Issue: RIMeL - IJLaM, Vol. 2, N. 3-S1, 2006 (MAF Servizi srl ed.)
Page(s): 70-76
The preanalytic phase of testing includes a variety of procedural steps and variables that affect test results and patient from whom a specimen of blood or body fluid has been collected. Failures of technique during the preanalytic phase such as procedure for collection, handling and processing before analysis lead specimen rejection, phlebotomy-induced suffering and injury, medical vampirism for the patient, delay of test results for diagnosis and therapy. Specimen rejection should be monitored and specific factors associated to the non-acceptability should be identified and targeted for improvement efforts. Error detection methods, action thresholds procedures should be set and a systematic teaching should be given to healthcare professionals, especially nurses, and patient too, to assure error reduction for continuous quality improvement since the Laboratory Medicine is a “key partner in assuring patient safety”. Key words: preanalytic phase; specimen acceptability; systematic teaching.