
036 - The institutional point of view

Autor(s): R. Tartaglia, T. Bellandi, S. Albolino

Issue: RIMeL - IJLaM, Vol. 2, N. 3-S1, 2006 (MAF Servizi srl ed.)

Page(s): 36-41

Since some years in nearly all the Italian regions various initiatives concerning the clinical risk management are in progress. In particular they concern: the training on the error and its prevention in medicine, the organization of the patient safety, the incident reporting of the adverse events, the quality of the healtcare. The Tuscany region has been the first Italian region establishing a department with the specific function to coordinate the clinical risk management in all hospitals located in its territory. At present each healthcare agency in Tuscany has a clinical risk manager, a team dedicated to the risk management with the specific purpose to support the activities and a patient safety committee to plan an annual program of projects. All the healthcare agencies have been provided by an informative system to manage the adverse events and the incident reporting. Moreover the Clinical Risk Management department has the function to spread the good practise for the patient safety by means of informative campaigns and laboratories with specialists to tune the guidelines on relevant risks. The cooperation with the Medical-Legal committee is extremely important as it allows also taking into account of the insurace and legal aspects of the adverse event. In any healthcare agency a triad of operators (medicaljuridical, clinical risk manager and administrative operators) has the task to face the blames and to manage their insurance and prevent aspects. The use of the clinical audit and of the mortality & morbidity review is the tool adopted for the analysis od the adverse events and to learn from the error. Such organizational model has represented a point of reference for other regions.

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