288 - Hospital managers’ evaluation: the example of the hospital in Desenzano del Garda
Autor(s): Lamberti G., Lamberti L., Vaini A. , Milanesi B.
Issue: RIMeL - IJLaM, Vol. 2, N. 4, 2006 (MAF Servizi srl ed.)
This article presents a methodological proposal for the
evaluation of the hospital managers, based on legislative
indications and contract terms concerning the performance
appraisal, in particular the new Italian CCNL
contract 2002-2005.
This proposal is aimed to represent the contribution
of the single manager to the hospital organization itself.
The managers are evaluated according to 4 different
standards: professional skill, innovation arrangement,
job behaviour and results.
The suggested method shows the complexity of the
subject and how difficult is for the hospitals to select
effective standards for the staff management and the
manager evaluation.
Key words: manager evaluation, evaluation parameters,
method, CCNL management 2002-2005.