025 - What is health technology assessment?
Autor(s): C. Favaretti, E. Torri
Issue: RIMeL - IJLaM, Vol. 3, N. 3-S1, 2007 (MAF Servizi srl ed.)
Page(s): 25-28
The faster development and diffusion of technology comparing with processes of patient and population effectiveness assessment is bringing challenge for sharing knowledge and using a systematic decision making approach on technology. Health technology assessment (HTA) addresses a comprehensive and systematic multidisciplinary assessment of health, economic, social and ethical, direct or indirect, short and long term consequences of existing or new technologies. Italian Network of Health Technology Assessment recently set some basic principles of HTA in Trento Charter (2006). In Italy, in the last years, health technology assessment has received growing institutional attention and has been widespread applied as hospital-based HTA. The application of hospital-based HTA by the Health Care Trust of the Autonomous Province of Trento embraced the management of: services, clinical and organizational systems equipment and devices, support systems and applied research.