096 - Neutropenia: Clinical Pathologist’s point of view
Autor(s): A.M. Cenci, B. Biasioli, M. Golato
Issue: RIMeL - IJLaM, Vol. 3, N. 3-S1, 2007 (MAF Servizi srl ed.)
Page(s): 96-106
The study of the neutropenias draws consistent benefits from laboratory diagnostic activity. This contribution has continuous evidence and becomes more and more important and appreciated in patient management during staging and grading pathologies, in disease diagnosis and follow up. The several different clinical situations neutropenia related, both acquired and congenital, that cause or come out together with this clinical entity, can be find and demonstrated performing a simple test as the emocromocitometric one, with a last generation haematological system. From here on, news and sophisticated laboratory investigations can be performed using many sequential flow charts and, time by time, different fields of Clinical Pathology can be involved, so as flow cytometry, autoimmunity, medical genetics, molecular biology and microbiology. In this way, Laboratory Medicine, applying to the routine activity the sophisticated analytic philosophies coming from the today advanced scientific research, with remarkable usefulness becomes a part of the data network built with all the diagnostic disciplines implied on the whole study of the neutropenic patients.