016 - Clinical goals in laboratory haematology
Autor(s): A.M. Cenci, B. Biasioli, P. Cappelletti
Issue: RIMeL - IJLaM, Vol. 4, N. 1, 2008 (MAF Servizi srl ed.)
Page(s): 16-27
The Authors evaluate the contribution and the remarkable usefulness of Haematology Laboratory in clinical medicine decision making. The consistent benefits drawn from the laboratory diagnostic activity are highlighted examining the role played in providing test for the management of different signs and symptoms in several pathologies. In many clinical situations the diagnostic pathway starts from the blood cell count, and haemochromocytometric parameters are very important in supporting diagnosis, staging and grading pathologies and in evaluating the drug effects during therapy, both in haematological and nonhaematological diseases. On these results, the simple or more complicated diagnostic sequential flow charts, actually used, are built and applied. In order to evaluate this issue, some common clinical situations, each involving the circulating blood cell, are explained as examples of clinical targets. So the anaemia definition is described in order to investigate the erythrocytes, the haemorrhage prevention is discussed for the platelets evaluation, the sepsis laboratory diagnostic aspects and the management of haematological malignancies are described from the point of view of leucocytes studying. The today automation facilities applied to the haematological laboratory systems have changed the diagnostic scenario and help the role of Clinical Pathologist in improving test and supporting clinical decision. These results are achieved also applying the sophisticated analytic philosophies coming from the today advanced scientific research to the routine activity