
008 - Guideline on synovial fluid analysis (draft)

Autor(s): S. Lorenzini, G. Morozzi, R.L. Genco, M.F. Massenti, M. Ruggeri, L. Scandone, F. Tabacco

Issue: RIMeL - IJLaM, Vol. 4, N. 1, 2008 (MAF Servizi srl ed.)

Page(s): 8-15

Intra-cavity fluids Group of the Italian Society of Laboratory Medicine, collected and assessed the material for the formulation of this “guideline draft ” for synovial fluid analysis, that can interest Rheumatology and Orthopedics Specialists. The aim is the first aggregation of different disciplines and specialists, clinicians and laboratory pathologists. The synovial fluid analysis represents one of the most important laboratory procedures in Rheumatology. Patterns or behaviour suggestions are needed to produce proposals, shared by clinicians colleagues. The group aims were to reach a consensus on “the routine minimal test package” and on the used technology. Furthermore, the additional tests required for research are considered. The synovial fluid analysis provides also information on the characteristics of the flogosis process, microcrystal and/or infective arthropathy. We learn if the origin of the fluid is sore joint or not, a joint with a bleeding process, a sepsis, a joint degeneration or a trauma. The joint more frequently aspirated is the knee. In some situations, including abundant effusion or in case of microcrystal arthropathy or infective arthopathy, the arthrocentesis can be therapeutic. There are indications on the sample collection for the cytological exams, for the macroscopic study, for crystals examination and identification polarized microscope and for a possible microbiological exam. Finally, we focus on the mandatory investigations to performs on synovial fluid including macroscopically investigations, the microscopic investigations, the microcrystal’s research and characterization and the microbiological research.

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