
050 - Sepsis diagnosis: a national survey on blood culture in Italy

Autor(s): I. Bianco, M. Pradella

Issue: RIMeL - IJLaM, Vol. 4, N. 3-S1, 2008 (MAF Servizi srl ed.)

Page(s): 50-53

The SIMeL Infectious Diseases Study Group has completed a national survey on blood culture in Italy. Data collected include the type of hospital, number of beds, number of hospitalizations; the autonomy of Microbiology service; the activity during the holidays; the protocols with clinical departments, the number of blood cultures per year; the percentage and type of the isolates; the microscopic examination and disclosure of the preliminary results; direct testing, markers of sepsis and use of molecular diagnostics; the average turn-around time (TAT) of blood cultures; the number of individual emocoltures vs the use of two or three sets. An analysis of the results showed the need to establish codes of behaviour for both the definition of contamination and bacteriemias and sepsis diagnosis.

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