098 - Erythroblasts: analytical performances and clinical relevance
Autor(s): V. Miconi
Issue: RIMeL - IJLaM, Vol. 4, N. 3-S1, 2008 (MAF Servizi srl ed.)
Page(s): 98-101
relevance Detection and count of erythroblasts (NRBC) is still an open question. NRBCs interference can affect CBC counts as well as leucocyte differential counts. The presence or the persistence of NRBCs in peripheral blood of adults is an important indicator of pathology. NRBC counting can provide relevant diagnostic and prognostic informations for clinicians and laboratory in many clinical conditions. The improvements in blood cell counters technology has produced more accurate and precise counts giving to professionals new diagnostic tools. At present time several analytical methods for NRBCs detection and counting are available, based on fluorescence, scatter, nuclear density, conductivity and cytochemistry staining. An evaluation, promoted in 2008 by Haematology Study Group (GdSE) of the Italian Society of Laboratory Medicine (SIMeL), enrolled samples of patients with known pathology and a wide range of NRBC concentration. Preliminary results indicate that at very low and high NRBC concentrations sensitivity and specificity performances are influenced by flag sensitivity position. Fluorescence based methods show a better correlation among them than non-fluorescence based methods. Future evolution of automated haematology devices should move toward a routine integrated NRBC count to provide positive outcomes for both clinician and patients and a further reduction in the need of smear review rate.