104 - Clinical value of instrumental sepsis haematological parameters
Autor(s): A.M. Cenci
Issue: RIMeL - IJLaM, Vol. 4, N. 3-S1, 2008 (MAF Servizi srl ed.)
Page(s): 104-106
Sepsis consists in the systemic acute inflammatory response to infection. Several clinical symptoms and signs are recognised in different degrees and stage of illness, but, unfortunately, they are not specific. Infection is characterized by cellular events, (involving monocytes, macrophages, and neutrophils), and presence of humoral factors (cytokines, reactive biomarkers, antibodies, coagulation and complement pathways factors, etc); the degree of their changes, activity, expression, and release depends on many variables. Differences in pathogenic agents, genetic susceptibility, immunodeficiency, coexisting conditions should be considered. Despite the marked progress in understanding molecular mechanisms and biology of cells and cytokines involved in the host immune process, few innovations in diagnostic indicators can be found in the recent past, and biomarkers that provide high sensitivity and specificity for diagnostic aims in quick and useful time are not available at present time. Recently, the introduction of genetic methods to track regulation of the genes responsible for the bio infection supporting agents are giving new tools in understanding the host immune response to infection. Nevertheless, an inadequate treatment as a result of delayed diagnosis continues to affect the septic status. For its characteristics the CBC and leukocyte differential counts seem to be useful in good timing and in reaching clinical goals in septic patients. In this study, are evaluated the present diagnostic value of old and new haemocytometric parameters in several different septic patients, and are discussed the requirements for a timely correct contribute to diagnosis and therapeutic follow up in sepsis by CBC. In particular, are proposed analytical pathways based on several haematological data and complementary information from different technologies in a useful real-time monitoring, and resulting by counts, measures, morphology and function parameters