124 - A new laboratory in a new hospital: chronicle of an experience
Autor(s): I. Bertoli
Issue: RIMeL - IJLaM, Vol. 4, N. 3-S1, 2008 (MAF Servizi srl ed.)
Page(s): 124
The moving of a complex service such as an analysis laboratory while maintaining services to users, requires a very ambitious and well organized project planning studied in minimum details. The laboratory of Mestre supplies services for: emergency analyses as well as routine services for the Operational Units of the same hospital; six different district points of service and for several nursing homes. Moreover, Mestre collaborates with the Civil Hospital in Venice for immunochemistry and sierological investigations in the distribution of the diagnostic specialties among the two laboratories. The transfer of the laboratory services with respect to the different wards present in the new hospital only from May 26th on, did result in a complete modification of the services in that the emergency services were maintained functional on a 24 hour basis in the old hospital in Mestre (VOM), while the routine analyses were completely transferred to the new hospital in Mestre (NOM)....