125 - The reorganization of medical laboratory. The plan from the region of Sardinia
Autor(s): N. Camusso
Issue: RIMeL - IJLaM, Vol. 4, N. 3-S1, 2008 (MAF Servizi srl ed.)
Page(s): 125
The law December 27,2006 (Finance act 2007) Article 1, paragraph 796, letter “O” says that every districts must prepare a plan to reorganize the network of structures public and private accredited that provide specialist laboratory diagnosis in order to adjustment of levels of organization and personnel, conform to increase efficiency in consideration of automated methods. In relation to this request, region of Sardinia is divided into eight provinces with a low population square kilometres and a very inefficient road system. The medicine laboratory services are locally distributed inside every administrative division, inside each administrative division it can be demonstrate more than one service, often of little dimensions, most of the time that collect both clinical chemistry and microbiology samples. Very rarely, in the structures of great dimensions we assist to a differentiation between the several specialties. The plan previews the reorganisation with the transformation in Hub of the central laboratories and in spoke of those smaller and peripheral. It is scheduled the institution of regional reference laboratories ad high specialization. Hub laboratories should be only located at each administrative division where would be transferred also the examinations to high specialization, now little executed in the peripheral laboratories of the single ones administrative divisions. It will be developed or strengthened the net of the points of withdrawal of the blood and of delivery of the reports in the territory. Leaving the laboratories of the hospitals more little ones pertaining to the ...