RIMeL - IJLaM, Vol. 5, N. 3-S1, 2009 (MAF Servizi srl ed.)
23th Italiancongress Proceedings
2nd joint congress with SIBioC
Napoli, Mostra d'oltremare, 27-30 october 2009
- 003 - 2009 Program
- 025 - Plenary index
- 026 - Personalized Medicine between research and clinical practice: the role of Laboratory Medicine
- 033 - Technological and organizational innovations applied to molecular predictive medicine
- 040 - The molecular diagnosis applied to clinical oncology
- 046 - Molecular pathogenesis of different histotypes of thyroid carcinoma: the role of NBS1 gene in the pathogenesis of solid tumors induced by ionizing radiation
- 052 - Reference Intervals in Endocrinology: the case of TSH
- 062 - The benefits of TSH Reflex according to the Endocrinologist and the Laboratory
- 065 - TSH Reflex: the problems
- 071 - The puzzle Legionella
- 075 - Laboratory diagnosis of Legionnaires’ disease
- 081 - Legionella: risk communication and responsability
- 087 - Epidemiology of legionella infections: the experience in Campania Region
- 090 - Component Resolved Diagnosis (CRD): in-vitro definition of allergic patient’s profile
- 096 - What the Component Resolved Diagnosis cannot tell us yet
- 100 - The Component resolved diagnosis in paediatric allergy diagnosis
- 103 - Renal failure
- 104 - Standardization of the measurements of creatinine and new markers of renal insufficiency: an update
- 105 - Glomerular filtration rate measurement: from equations to report consensus
- 106 - Urinary Albumin Excretion in chronic kidney disease: critical issues in measurement and reporting
- 107 - Biomarkers: state of the art and perspectives
- 108 - Can we personalize drug therapy in colorectal cancer patients?
- 109 - High Sensitivity C-reactive protein and other markers of cardiovascular inflammation: from bench to prove of efficacy
- 110 - Non invasive diagnosis of gastrointestinal disorders: GastroPanel and Fibrotest
- 111 - Clinical risk: from problem to opportunity
- 112 - FMEA-FMECA: a risk management’s strument for critical processes
- 113 - Pre-analytical phase: Risk Management and Risk Assessment in a Hospital Laboratory
- 114 - Risk management triggers in postanalytical phase
- 115 - Pharmacogenetics: promise or reality?
- 116 - Pharmacogenetics and clinical oncology: a new deal for personalized therapies
- 118 - Pharmacogenetics and Diabetes
- 119 - Pharmacogenetics of oral anticoagulant therapy
- 120 - POSTER Abstract
- 214 - Author index
- Index