RIMeL - IJLaM, Vol. 2, N. 3-S1, 2006 (MAF Servizi srl ed.)
- 003 - Congress program
- 017 - Patient Safety and Laboratory Medicine
- 036 - The institutional point of view
- 042 - Patient safety and Laboratory Medicine: citizens’ point of view
- 049 - Errors in clinical laboratories or errors in laboratory medicine?
- 058 - Risk evaluation
- 062 - Appropriateness and safety in laboratory medicine
- 065 - Clinical audit
- 068 - Patient Identification and Patient Safety
- 076 - Preanalytic phase: specimen acceptability
- 077 - Summary Autoantibodies as a source of analytical mistakes
- 083 - The postanalytical phase: critical values reporting
- 088 - Risk Management Study Group
- 094 - Quality assurance programs and risk reduction
- 102 - Automation and lab errors prevention
- 109 - Information technology in prevention and safety of laboratory data
- 116 - Self Testing
- 122 - The role of clinical laboratory in neutropenic patient management
- 128 - Hospital Acquired Infections
- 131 - The infective case
- 135 - Abstract proceedidngs