RIMeL - IJLaM, Vol. 4, N. 3-S1, 2008 (MAF Servizi srl ed.)
- 001 - PROCEEDINGS . 22° National Congress
- 026 - How Laboratory Medicine is changing
- 031 - Sepsis-markers: guideline for a rational use
- 036 - Quality Assurance of blood culture
- 045 - Molecular diagnosis of sepsis: technical and organizational experiences
- 050 - Sepsis diagnosis: a national survey on blood culture in Italy
- 054 - The Renaissance of allergy testing
- 060 - The autoimmune iceberg: exploring below the waterline
- 065 - Proteomic technology for preclinical diagnosis of autoimmune diseases
- 068 - Diagnosis of celiac disease: not only anti-transglutaminase
- 072 - Follow up of thyroid carcinoma: the questions of clinicians, the answers of laboratorians
- 082 - Thyroid disease in pregnancy: The clinical management
- 090 - Analytical Performances and Clinical Aims in Laboratory Haematology
- 095 - Summary Monocytes between reactivity and dysplasia
- 098 - Erythroblasts: analytical performances and clinical relevance
- 102 - Innovations on automated enumeration of immature granulocytes
- 104 - Clinical value of instrumental sepsis haematological parameters
- 107 - Error in medicine
- 109 - Teaching Evidence Based Laboratory Medicine: How to spread the word?
- 111 - Clinical Governance and Evidence Based Laboratory Medicine
- 112 - Evidence-Based Laboratory reporting to clinicians
- 113 - 'Universal definition of myocardial infarction': new guidelines 2007
- 115 - High sensitive methods for cardiac troponin assay: analytical characteristics and pathophysiological aspects
- 116 - Quality specifications in cardiac biomarkers assays: which updatings?
- 117 - Cardiovascular markers: what does it change in the routine daily care of patients with new “gold standard”?
- 118 - Standardization in Laboratory Medicine: activities, goals, and further issues
- 119 - Standardisation of HbA1c Measurements:practical consequences and course of activation
- 120 - Will standardization assist best practice in thyroid function testing?
- 121 - Haematology standardization
- 124 - A new laboratory in a new hospital: chronicle of an experience
- 125 - The reorganization of medical laboratory. The plan from the region of Sardinia
- 126 - POSTER ABSTRACS - 22° SIMeL Congress