
104 - Standardization of the measurements of creatinine and new markers of renal insufficiency: an update

Autore/i: F. Ceriotti

Rivista: RIMeL - IJLaM, Vol. 5, N. 3-S1, 2009 (MAF Servizi srl ed.)

Pagina/e: 104

The publication, in 2003, of the National Kidney Foundation Practice Guidelines for Chronic Kidney Disease, recommending the use of the MDRD formula to estimate GFR put an enormous relevance on the need for standardization of serum creatinine measurement. In fact the eGFR is highly dependent on the accuracy of the creatinine method in use. Relevant progresses occurred in the last years and a reference measurement system for creatinine was clearly defined by the Joint Committee on Traceability in Laboratory Medicine (JCTLM). Nonetheless the work published by Delanghe in 2008 (but performed in autumn 2005) to compare the performances of several analytical systems throughout Europe, demonstrated a high dispersion of the results. The problems were of two types: incorrect calibration, not traceable to the IDMS reference measurement procedure and non specificity of the alkaline picrate based methods. Correct calibration is an important issue: still in 2007 only 22% of the laboratories in USA were using IDMS traceable calibrated systems....

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