
109 - High Sensitivity C-reactive protein and other markers of cardiovascular inflammation: from bench to prove of efficacy

Autore/i: L.M. Biasucci

Rivista: RIMeL - IJLaM, Vol. 5, N. 3-S1, 2009 (MAF Servizi srl ed.)

Pagina/e: 109

The interest of CRP in CHD arise from its long half life and the robustness and reliability of its assessment.To date, CRP is the inflammatory marker most extensively assessed in prognostic studies, both in primary and in secondary prevention, and the only one recommended in guidelines. More than 25 different prospective studies have reported a significant and independent association between increased concentrations of hs-CRP and future cardiovascular events in apparently healthy subjects. Increasing quartiles of hs- CRP are associated with an increasing risk of future CHD at up to 10 years follow-up in apparently healthy men and women, in elderly subjects (and, even more interestingly, hs-CRP may add important information to the Framingham risk score and to the family history in the population at intermediate risk, thus allowing an improved reclassification of these subjects in either high or low risk. Lastly, in the JUPITER trial, the statin-mediated reduction of the CRP levels in subjects with normal LDL-cholesterol levels (<130 mg/dl), not candidates for statin therapy on the basis of NCEP III guidelines, was associated with a lower incidence of cardiovacular events at two years follow-up……

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