
113 - Pre-analytical phase: Risk Management and Risk Assessment in a Hospital Laboratory

Autore/i: S. Galmarini, G. Catanoso, G. Casiraghi

Rivista: RIMeL - IJLaM, Vol. 5, N. 3-S1, 2009 (MAF Servizi srl ed.)

Pagina/e: 113

The importance of the pre-analytical phase in the context of laboratory medicine activities is well known. However, little has been done with proactive functions in managing this phase: one must pass from error gathering to an activity linked to problem solving, in a risk management perspective. The very analysis of errors and their frequency is the basis of the solution proposed and implemented at the Tradate hospital facilities (Busto Arsizio Hospital Corporation) medical analysis laboratory. Starting from risk analysis and assessment centered on three aspects of the pre-analytical phase (inadequate patient preparation, wrong tube / non-compliant container, off-schedule sample delivery / reception errors) managed as non-compliances, graded on a scale (probability, detectability and seriousness) in order to generate a risk priority index. This risk assessment model has given the starting point to analyze the territorial wards and structure stakeholder needs. The model made it possible to develop a software (SW) in which proactivity is a prerequisite.……

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