116 - Pharmacogenetics and clinical oncology: a new deal for personalized therapies
Autore/i: S. Martinotti, S. Ursi, B. De Laurentiis, S. Matera, G. Vitullo, A. Allegrini, A. Tessitore, V. Flati, E. Toniato
Rivista: RIMeL - IJLaM, Vol. 5, N. 3-S1, 2009 (MAF Servizi srl ed.)
Pagina/e: 116
The genetic basis of a differential response to drugs has been considered as the most challenging aspect of therapeutic evaluations on patients undergoing different treatments. This knowledge has generated hope that the individual basis for response to a wide range of drugs would be quickly known, and individualized drug selection and dosing would be possible for many or all disorders. Understanding the variable response to drugs seems particularly pressing in the field of oncology, being tumors as the most dangerous pathologic entity in which the stakes are high (failure to cure cancer usually leads to death) and where the drugs commonly used have a narrow therapeutic index. In addition, the toxicities of most chemotherapeutic agents can be severe and the need to better understand the correct posology is a crucial step point1-3. ...