
289 - Il parametro IRF (immature reticulocyte fraction) in atleti di élite

Rivista: Riv Med Lab - JLM, Vol. 5, N. 4, 2004 (SIRSE Srl ed.)

G. Banfi, R. Graziani, A. Dolci, G. Melegati.

Background. Reticulocytes’ counts and values of their
related parameters are now easily and precisely supplied
by automatic systems. The introduction of these
parameters in physiology and pathology could be important,
but further studied should be performed to define
their use. The immature reticulocyte fraction (IRF)
is a parameter which describes the maturation of reticulocytes
and could be useful in pathology and also in
peculiar physiological situations, as in sport activities.
Methods. The study has been performed by using an
Abbott system on a wide number of élite athletes of
different sports.
Results. The IRF mean of athletes was in reference
range, calculated on the general population, but their
values were quite high, indipendently from kind of
sport and from period of the sport season.
Conclusions. The IRF values testify the continuous
and physiological stimulation of the bone marrow in
the élite athletes. The evaluation of athletes, even for
legal purposes, must include this item.

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