
298 - Le indagini di Laboratorio nei Manuali di Semeiotica Medica di fine Ottocento

Autore/i: G. Dall'Olio

Rivista: Riv Med Lab - JLM, Vol. 5, N. 4, 2004 (SIRSE Srl ed.)

Summary. In the second half of 19th century, instruments
and methods for chemical examinations of
body fluid were developed in order to help physicians
in the diagnosis and prognosis by the use of
“chemical signs”. Therefore Laboratory Medicine
entered in the field of Semeiotics.
The Semeiotics textbooks of two distinguished
swiss clinicians appear very interesting in order to
appreciate their way of looking in regard to laboratory
analyses, how physical and chemical analyses
where carried out, who performed them, how were
utilized. It can be appreciate also the importance and
the detail and even the length of different chapters of
the two textbooks.

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