206 - Il tempo di risposta all’innovazione: un indicatore di efficacia nell’applicazione delle linee guida, di procedure e tecnologie innovative
Autore/i: Camerotto A., Di Liddo R. , Carmignoto F.
Rivista: RIMeL - IJLaM, Vol. 2, N. 3, 2006 (MAF Servizi srl ed.)
It is well-known that new medical knowledges, coming from authoritative and consolidated scientific evidences, often require many years to be introduced into clinical practice and have significant relapses of appropriateness. In this work, it is evaluated in the specific field of Laboratory Medicine the Innovation Answer Time (TRI), the needed time so that the new-approved at guidelines scientific evidences are applied and the previous procedures are given up.
Prostatic acid phosphatase (PAP), CK-MB, Pro-thrombin time, fT3 hormone, and Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT) are cited as examples. The evidence demonstrates high TRI levels in the Laboratory Medicine and this critical issue is also dependent on the guidelines’ inefficacy to change substantially the physicians’ working. Using approach for processes, the authors have analysed the guidelines production steps and determined the main efficacy indicator.
In order to correct medical behaviours, it’s required that the process is supplied indefinetely with a lot of energy and economic resources, time and engagement both of organizations proposing guidelines adoption and physicians which have to learn and apply them.
This work analyses the most effective modality to keep a high information level with major efficacy and the Technology Information tools necessary for reducing TRI and improving the appropriateness in intra- and extrahospital field are discussed. Moreover, it is pointed out the necessity of adopting active measures in respect of ethics and medical deontology.
It is underlined the need to remove the obstacles which may delay the experimentation or realization of more effective strategies. In the hospitals where they are beginning to be applied, it is demonstrated how .........