017 - Un Patto per la modernizzazione della Medicina di Laboratorio in Italia
Rivista: Riv Med Lab - JLM, Vol. 5, N. 3-S1, 2004 (SIRSE Srl ed.)
P. Cappelletti
Pathology Modernization: an alleance
In the very middle of an extremely difficult
and critical evolution of the clinical lab, the discipline
must overcome the distress born from uncertainty
and exhaustion and affirm some perspectives
of development. We recognize some kind of rationalization
of the Italian clinical laboratories as unavoidable,
not just because the economic drive. The
real problem is the redundancy in structures and employees.
A vast majority of active laboratories in
Italy (> 5000, about 2500 public labs) is very scattered,
and some private labs cannot attain critical
mass nor representative case reports.
The future demands coupling of efficiency to effectiveness;
the driver is appropriateness. ....
The ultimate challenge may be to recognize openly the political
uses and misuses of evidence and to extend rules of evidence to government policy”.