
120 - Will standardization assist best practice in thyroid function testing?

Autore/i: G.H. Beastall

Rivista: RIMeL - IJLaM, Vol. 4, N. 3-S1, 2008 (MAF Servizi srl ed.)

Pagina/e: 120

Assays for thyroid function tests (TFT) have been used in the clinical chemistry laboratory for thirty years but external quality assurance schemes reveal that there is still considerable variability in results from different methods. This variability creates difficulty in the transferability of patient data and has caused patient interest groups to question the value and effectiveness of TFT. Recent international evidence-based guidelines have been prepared to promote best practice and harmonization of the use of TFT. However, the application of such guidelines for TFT is challenged by method dependent differences in results. The IFCC Working Group on the standardization of thyroid hormones (WG-STFT) has been established to develop new reference materials and reference measurement systems for thyroid hormones and to investigate the use of synthetic or recombinant materials for mass calibration of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH). With expert direction from Professor Linda Thienpont (University of Gent, Belgium) WG-STFT has overseen the following ...

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