116 - Quality specifications in cardiac biomarkers assays: which updatings?
Autore/i: M. Zaninotto
Rivista: RIMeL - IJLaM, Vol. 4, N. 3-S1, 2008 (MAF Servizi srl ed.)
Pagina/e: 116
The recommendations recently issued by clinical and biochemical Scientific Societies, about the measuring of biochemical markers of myocardial damage, underline again the relevance that such measurings hold in strategical clinical spheres for the outcome of the patients, particularly in diagnosis of acute coronary syndrome, in the evaluation of the efficacy of the therapy, in risk stratification and in prognosis with relevant consequences both on living quality and time of survival. Therefore, it comes out that the quality of the results is always more critical both in reproducibility, accuracy, time to report results and evidence-based decisional limits. The evolution of biochemical knowledges should be added to all these considerations: in fact, nowadays, it is underlining unexpected preanalytical problems (development of autoantibodies against troponin I, glycosilation of circulating fragments of natriuretic peptides) which have relevant consequences on the accuracy of the results obtained with different methods commercially available. Therefore, it is to regard that, in spite of all the analytical problems which should be more considered and discussed (standardization of the methods to measure troponins and to assay ...