
019 - Measurement of urine leukocytes by a second generation flow cytometer; application in the diagnosis of acute urinary tract infections in adult patients

Rivista: Riv Med Lab - JLM, Vol. 2, N. 3, 2001 (SIRSE Srl ed.)

F. Manoni, S. Valverde , F. Antico, A. Giacomini, M. Salvadego, G. Gessoni

Background. A large number of screening tests for rapid diagnosis of Urinary Tract Infection UTI is
used in the Clinical Laboratory but each of them is questionable and an ideal screening test for diagnosis
of UTI is not available at present. Aim of this study is to evaluate the feasibility of a screening
for rapid diagnosis of UTI by using a second generation flow cytometer. The authors evaluated the
analytical performance of the Sysmex UF-100 cytometer versus the UTI diagnosis made on the basis
of laboratory and clinical data.
Materials and Methods. We considered 2010 consecutive subjects, aged between 18 and 78, 870
males and 1140 females, whose recently collected urine samples were submitted to our Laboratory for
microbiological examination. The majority (90.2% ) of the samples were voided urine specimens collected
by using the midstream technique. The samples were collected in sterile containers and a 12
mL aliquot was transferred into test tubes and analyzed within one hour. Each sample was submitted
to microbiological evaluation (culture + RAA), dipstick tests, UF-100 examination and microscopic
observation. These results were considered together with the clinical data and patients characteristics
to obtain a final diagnosis of UTI. The analytical performance of the Laboratory tests was obtained by
using this diagnosis as a standard.
Results. At first the authors evaluated the analytical performance of the quantitative detection of pyuria
by using the UF-100 cytometer to assess the cut-off value. ...

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